Uh oh, something’s gone wrong

Apologies, but the page you requested could not be found. Or perhaps you don’t have access. Or something, I don’t really know what I’m doing.

Knowing me, I have renamed, moved, or deleted it, without setting up good redirects. I’m sorry.

Maybe you could check out my blog? That’s where most of the magic coolness stuff happens.

The error is a . In case you cared.

Bits and bobs

Well, I did eventually get around to reskinning Wordpress, and as you may be able to tell from my blog, I have finished and it is live!

I don’t think I have a next major step anymore. Although, if I was trying to find things to do to update this site, it would probably be … attempt a total redesign. Yes. My design is beginning to bore me. If I can be bothered, I’ll wager that’s where it’s at.